Extended Hours Kindergarten | C&K - childcare and kindergarten

Extended Hours Kindergarten


To provide more flexibility for families, some C&K kindergartens provide an extended hours program (from 2pm to 6pm or later) and holiday program.

How the core kindergarten and extended hours program works

Our core kindergarten program is led by a university-qualified, early childhood teacher, supported by assistant educators, and ends between 2pm and 2:45pm (depending on the centre). The extended hours program commences from the end of the core kindergarten program and continues the children's learning into the afternoon until 6pm or later. The extended hours program is led by a diploma-qualified educator and supported by an assistant educator. There is a half-hour overlap between the core kindergarten program and the extended hours program to allow our teams to share highlights and continuing plans for the day.

During the Queensland school holidays C&K Extended Hours Kindergartens also operate a holiday program five days a week for the full day.

Extended hours kindergarten fees

C&K's Extended Hours Kindergarten fees are subsidised via the Queensland kindergarten funding program (Free Kindy for 15 hours per week, 40 weeks per year) and the child care subsidy.

C&K Extended Hours Kindergartens

C&K Kindergartens transitioning to Extended Hours in 2025: