C&K Conference Presenters Kit | C&K - childcare and kindergarten

C&K Conference Presenters Kit

Congratulations on being selected to present at the C&K Conference on Saturday, 20 July at the the Royal International Convention Centre in Meanjin, Brisbane.

This year, our theme is Every Day Matters: For Every Child. For You. For Impact.

We would love your support in spreading the word about our conference and sharing the exciting news about your participation as a guest presenter.  
Below are some assets you can print or save to use on social media and other forums.

LinkedIn Profile Frame

You can download one of the frames below and use editing software like Canva or Adobe Photoshop to layer it over your current profile picture. 
Alternatively, you can also email marketinghelp@candk.asn.au with your profile picture and we'll send you a version of your profile picture with the frame for you to upload.

LinkedIn Frame Option 1


LinkedIn Frame Option 2



Social Media Digital Tiles

Use the images below to add visuals to any posts you share about your upcoming presentation on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram. 
Where possible, include information about your conference session and encourage your professional network to register to attend the C&K Conference.

Don’t forget to tag C&K and share the link for your followers to learn more and purchase their own tickets, if interested:  https://www.candk.asn.au/conference

Social Media Tile Option 1

Social Media Tile Option 2

Email Banner

If you’d like to take your promotion of your upcoming attendance at the C&K Conference to the next level, we’ve created a custom email signature you can use.


If you’d like to promote the C&K Conference at your workplace, you are also welcome to download and print the official 2024 C&K Conference Poster. 

C&K Conference A3 Poster


If sharing information about the C&K Conference on your social media profiles, don’t forget to use our custom event hashtags.




C&K Social Media Profiles

Please remember to tag C&K in any of your C&K Conference activity on social media.



C&K - The Creche and Kindergarten Association

C&K Conference Presenter PowerPoint Template

We have also created an optional PowerPoint template presenters can use for their sessions, if you are looking for a conference branded asset to support your presentation.

Download here

Other Information

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