Policies C&K policies and procedures reflect current best practice, recommended guidelines and the requirements of the Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations.C&K policies and procedures are developed and reviewed through a consultative process with input from families, educators and relevant agencies including government departments.Families are encouraged to approach their centre Director if they have a policy question. Alternatively, please contact:C&K Quality & Regulation TeamEmailpolicyfeedback@candk.asn.auMailC&K Privacy Officer257 Gympie RoadKedron QLD 4031Telephone07 3513 2597 Fees (Branch Centres Only) During and throughout enrolment, C&K will provide families with information on how, when and what fees are applicable.Fee Policy - Sessional Kindergarten ProgramsFee Policy - Long Day Care, Limited Hours Care and CCS ProgramsCentrepay Application Form Enrolment (Branch Centres Only) Termination of Enrolment Form Children's Health, Safety and Wellbeing C&K has a number of procedures that support children's health, safety and wellbeing, including:HealthNutrition and Food Safety ProcedureColour Plate ProtocolExclusion due to IllnessAdministering of First Aid ProcedureAdministration of Medication ProcedureMedical Conditions ProcedureMedical Management Plan FormMedical Conditions Infographic for familiesAsthma GuideAsthma Action Plan FormAnaphylaxis and Allergies ProcedureAnaphylaxis Management Plan FormAllergic Reactions Management FormDiabetes GuideMedical Management Plan FormEpilepsy and Seizures GuideEpilepsy Management Plan FormUndiagnosed Food Intolerance, Allergy and Restriction ProcedureSafetyKindergarten and Childcare Safe Arrival, Departure and Access ProcedureOSHC Safe Arrival, Departure and Access ProcedureAdditional Emergency Contact FormChild Health and Safety PolicyWorkplace Health and Safety Policy StatementSun Safety ProcedureEmergency Management ProcedureExcursions ProcedureEscorting Children to and from External Bus Service ProcedureRegular Transport By Centre Bus ProcedureWater Safety ProcedureChild Centre Incident Reporting Procedure (Branch)Child Centre Incident Reporting Procedure (Affiliates)Child Safe Sleep and Rest ProcedureInfant Safe Sleep and Rest ProcedureButton BatteriesChildren's eSafety (Branches) ProcedureChildren's eSafety (Affiliates) ProcedureSupervision Procedure Child Protection Child Protection PolicyReporting an Allegation of Child Harm occurring within a C&K CentreResponding to and reporting Child Protection Concerns (outside a C&K Centre) Curriculum, Interactions and Relationships Curriculum PolicySupporting Relationships and Partnerships ProcedureSuccessful Transitions ProcedureSupporting Children's BehaviourInclusive Education Policy Governance and Service Management Governance PolicyPrivacy PolicyBranch Centres Use of Children's Images GuidelineBranch Centres Use of Children's Images - Permission FormAffiliated Centres Use of Children's Images GuidelineAffiliated Centres Use of Children's Images - Permission FormCode of Conduct - StaffCode of Conduct - ParentsCode of Conduct - SuppliersDress Standards PolicyCourt Orders PolicyChild Enrolment and Orientation PolicyBranch Centres (Kindergarten) Enrolment and Orientation ProcedureBranch Centres (Childcare) Enrolment and Orientation ProcedureAffiliated Centres Enrolment and Orientation ProcedureVisitors ProcedureStudents, Volunteers, and External Contractors ProcedureSocial Media PolicyResponsible Persons Procedure (Branch Centres)Responsible Persons Procedure (Affiliated Centres)Complaint Management PolicyComplaint Management ProcedureWhistleblower PolicyWhistleblower Guidelines