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Learning through play in the year before school.
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Providing high standards of early childhood education and care together.
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Tingalpa & District Kindergarten
07 3390 4951
Welcome to Tingalpa and District Kindergarten. A place where play takes centre stage in your child’s education and where children are given time to explore, discover and learn! Tingalpa and District kindy has been serving the local community since 1968. We offer a Government Approved Kindergarten Funded Program in a variety of flexible enrolment options. Our passionate teachers and teaching assistants are highly qualified and experienced. They are experts in teaching children from three to five years and establish a love of life-long learning. Our purpose-built building and expansive outdoor play spaces are designed to nurture children’s development in a caring community environment. Children have the stability of the same teachers and the same children attending kindy every day of their attendance. This allows us to offer continuity and extension of learning for each child, from one day to the next. Our mission at Tingalpa and District Kindergarten is to provide children with a play enriched environment and build partnerships with families and the community. We strive for high quality early childhood education and care where we support children to become life-long learners.
Kindergarten, also known as pre-prep or preschool, is a program for children who are turning 4 by June 30 in the year before they attend school. C&K’s kindy programs are government-approved and led by experienced and university qualified teachers. Our program supports children’s curiosity, creativity, problem solving, resilience and real-world knowledge and skills.
At C&K, we know that children do not learn in isolation, so we approach learning as a collaborative relationship between teachers, educators, children and families. We believe children are powerful learners, active citizens, thinkers and theorisers - this is at the heart of our early childhood curriculum. We've designed our indoor and outdoor spaces to ignite imaginations and nurture healthy minds and bodies. Learning through play is an integral part of our education program. Our educators skilfully enrich and extend children's play experiences, creating a learning program that is tailored and meaningful for your child.
As an affiliated centre of C&K, Tingalpa Kindy receives support from C&K as the Central Governing Body but operates as an independent incorporated association managed by a volunteer management committee. Centres affiliated with C&K receive comprehensive support in governance, including managing kindergarten and inclusion funding, training for committees and educators, advice and support regarding inclusion, use of the C&K brand, curriculum approach and resource materials.
Queensland Kindergarten Funding: The Queensland Government provides funding for eligible-aged children (children turning 4 by 30 June, in the year they attend a kindy program) attending a centre delivering a government-approved kindergarten program. This funding allows your eligible-aged child to attend kindergarten for free.
Non-eligible-aged Children: Enrolment priority is given to eligible-age children, but if there are places available, we welcome 3-year-old children to enrol and attend for two years. The Queensland Kindergarten Funding does not apply for 3-year-old children, and the non-eligible kindy daily fee will apply. Please contact us for more information on fees for 3-year-old children and to discuss your family's situation.
Please visit our Kindergarten Fees page for more information.
Queensland Kindergarten Funding: The Queensland Government provides funding for eligible-aged children(children turning 4 by 30 June, in the year they attend a kindy program), attending a centre delivering agovernment-approved kindergarten program. This funding allows your eligible-aged child to attend kindergartenfor free.
Non-eligible-aged Children: Enrolment priority is given to eligible-age children but if there are places available,we welcome 3 year-old children to enrol and attend for two years. The Queensland Kindergarten Funding doesnot apply for 3 year-old children and the non-eligible kindy daily fee will apply. Please contact us for moreinformation on fees for 3 year-old children and to discuss your families situation.
Queensland Kindergarten Funding: The Queensland Government provides funding for eligible-aged children (children turning 4 by 30 June, in the year they attend a kindy program), attending a centre delivering a government-approved kindergarten program. This funding allows your eligible-aged child to attend kindergarten for free.
Annual program runs each year
This program is available for all enrolment years.
Operating Hours:
08:30AM - 04:00PM
08:30AM - 02:30PM
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